*泉武会に伝わる15の型の説明 Explanation of 15 Kata handed down to Senbukai
① 泉武の撃砕初段 Senbuno Gekisai-shodan
昭和15(1940)年に、宮城長順が青少年の体育向上の為に創作した入 門型であり、擊砕第一と呼ばれている。泉武会では『泉武の擊砕初段』の呼称を使い、 型は、初代宗家が左右対称の演武線上に技を構成し直し、よりダイナミックな型になっています。
It is an introductory Kata created by Chojun Miyagi to improve the physical the physical education of young people in 1940, and is called the Gekisai-Daiichi. At Senbukai, is changed the name "Senbuno Gekisai-shodan", and the Kata is reconstructed on a symmetrical performance line by 1st Soke, making it a more dynamic.
② 泉武の撃砕弐段 Senbuno Gekisai-Nidan
昭和15(1940)年に、宮城長順が第一に続く二番目の型として創作し 擊砕第二と呼ばれている。第一が握拳なのに対し一部開掌を使い若干高度な動きになっている。泉武会では『泉武の撃砕弐段』の呼称を使っており、初段と同様に初代宗家が若干改変しています。型は、初段と同じく左右対称の演武線上で技が構成されており、初めから最後の動作迄、開掌技を使う所に特徴があります。
It was created in 1940 by Chojun Miyagi as the second Kata following the first, and is called the Gekisai-Daini. The Senbukai uses the name "Senbuno Gekisai-Nidan", and the first Soke has slightly modified it in the same way as the first Kata. As with the first Kata, is reconstructed on a symmetrical performance line by 1st Soke, and is characterized by using the open palm techniques from the beginning to the final movement.
③ 泉武の撃砕参段 Senbuno Gekisai-Sandan
初代の意志を継ぎ、平成13(2001)年に『泉武の擊砕初段』を基に三 代目が創作。初段より、更に高度な接近攻防・転身動作等が組み込まれて構成されています。
Inheriting the will of 1st Soke, 3rd Soke created it in 2001 based on "Senbuno Gekisai-shodan". From the Kata "Shodan", it is composed of more advanced offense and defense, footwork, etc.
④ 泉武の撃砕四段 Senbuno Gekisai-Yondan
Inheriting the will of 1st Soke like Kata "Nidan", 3rd Soke created it in 2001 based on "Senbuno Gekisai-Nidan" From the Kata "Nidan", it is composed of more advanced offense and defense, footwork, and some of techniques of "Shotei-giho" that are handed down to Senbukai.
⑤ 最破 Saifa
全日本空手道連盟の第一指定型(形)であります。泉武会の伝承型との違いがいくつか見られ、例えば初めの左右の転身に伴う肘と裏拳の使い方を比較して見 ると、全空連では掴まれた手首を力で引き抜くのに対し、泉武会では、掴まれた部位に体を寄せ、相手に力反応を起こさせないように外します。次の裏拳動作は、全空連の直線的な打ちに対し、泉武会では、接近戦を想定し肘を下から 上に引き抜き、手首を鞭の様に使って打ちます。
It is the "Shiteigata (stipulated Kata) of the JKF. There are some differences from the traditional Senbukai’s Kata. For example, compare how to use the elbow and Uraken during first left and right movements. In the JKF, pull out with power the grasped wrist by the opponent. In Senbukai, the body is brought close to the opponent's grasped wrist and removed so as not to cause a power reaction to the opponent. Next Uraken motion, in contrast to the straight line striking of the JKF, Senbukai assumes a close fight, pulls out the elbow from the bottom to the top, and strikes with the wrist like a whip.
⑥ 征遠鎮 Seienchin
In the early days, it was written as "制引戦”. Like the Chinese character, there are many techniques to pull (引:means pull) in the wrist and neck to control the opponent. Before the war, it was given the meaning of conquering (征:means conquer) distant (遠:means distant) and calming (鎮:means calm) the enemy, reflecting the social situation at that time, and it came to be written as "征遠鎮”. Currently, both representations ("制引鎮"and"征遠鎮") are used. This Kata has no kicks, and the forearm and wrists are used flexibly, and the secret and the secret of the locking joint technique, "the soft and sticky power that accompanies the soft breathing method," is hidden.
⑦ 三十六手(サンセール) Sanseru
宮城長順が兵役に就いていた為、許田重発のみが東恩納寛量から習ったと言われている。泉武会の三十六手は、比嘉世幸系統から初代宗家に伝わった。昭和33 (1958)年頃に初代宗家の高弟、吉丸慶雪氏が大分県の許田宅に訪問し許田系の三十六手を習い泉武会に持ち帰った。昭和35(1960)年に行われた泉武会の創立20周年演武大会に於いて、吉丸氏が古流三十六手として演武をしている。残念ながら現在、泉武会に伝わっている型は、比嘉系統なのか許田系統なのか定かではありません。
It is said that only Juhatsu Kyoda learned from Kanryo Higaonna because Chojun Miyagi was in military service. Senbukai's Sanseru were handed down to the first Soke from the Seko Higa genealogy. Around 1958, Keisetsu Yoshimaru, disciple of the 1st Soke, visited Juhatsu Kyoda in Oita prefecture. He learned Sanseru from Kyoda, and brought it back to the Senbukai. On the 20th anniversary of the founding of the Senbukai, which was held in 1960, Keisetsu Yoshimaru performed as "Koryu (means old-style) Sanseru". Unfortunately, it is uncertain whether the Kata currently handed down to the Senbukai is the Higa or Kyoda.
⑧ 志荘鎮 Shisochin
Due to the same circumstances as Seiunchin, it has been written from "四向戦” to "志(士)荘鎮" before the war, it has reached the present. It is characterized by the sharp turning motion of the waist, the technique of grasping the opponent's wrist and press the elbow to break balance, the technique to remove the wrist that the opponent grasped, the continuous Osaeuke in four directions, and technique to use the forearm with soft power.
⑨ 十八手(セーパイ) Sepai
This Kata includes many self-defense techniques in close infight such as offensive and defensive techniques, Gyaku-waza, Hazushi-waza : removal techniques, and joint-lock techniques. For example, the removal technique (Hazushi-waza) in which the wrist of the first movement is grasped includes a high level technique that does not cause a power reaction to the opponent. In addition, the movement from the Nekoashi on the way includes the technique of squeezing the arms (Tachi-Jujigatame) while standing. According to Mr. Akio Kinjo's theory, the usage of the Nakadaka-Iponken at around the end of the Kata and the appearance of stretching the right hand in the first Shikodachi posture represent that the dragon is roaring with a long tongue like a flame. It is said that the influence of the Ryuken of China.
⑩ 来留破(クルルンファ) kururunfa
It is one of the representative Kata of Goju-ryu that can learn by becoming a high-ranking level, and is characterized by grasping and throwing techniques, waist's power transmission techniques, and offense and defense with Irimi (entering). For example, a unique power transmission technique that transfer the power of the waist through the one's back and from the forearms to the palm, there are a orinal technique of Gojuryu to enter from the Nekoashi-footwork, and a technique similar to the Shiho-nage of Aikido, and the Gyaku-waza and throwing technique. For example, a unique powe transmission technique that transfer the power of the waist through the one's back and from the forearms to the palm. There are a original technique of Gojuryu to enter from the Nekoashi-footwork, and a technique similar to the Shiho-nage of Aikido, and the Gyaku-waza and throwing technique.
⑪ 十三手(セイサン) Seisan
It is one of the representative Kata of Goju-ryu. From the defense to the Tsuki (punch) of the first action of Kata is also called "Seisan-ken" and contains the technique of Hakkei-daho (KO with one blow). The next movement of using both hands up and down is similar to the movement of a raccoon dog or a cat wiping its face with its front legs, so it is called Ribyo-senmen (commonly known as Byo-senmen). The next movement of the forearm, which projects both hands like a circle, are hidden the breathing method and Chikara-nuki (the technique of relaxing the power ), that the opponent can not react to the power. The final movement is the technique Gono-sen (action after the opponent's offense) from Sasoino-keri (the front kick of lead on).
⑫ 壱百零八手(スーパーリンペイ) Suparinpei
It is the highest Kata of Goju-ryu and is generally called Suparinpei (壱百零八手), and in the early days it was also called Pechurin (百歩連). It is composed of three Katas, upper, middle, and lower, and the traditional Kata is one of them, and it is said that the number of techniques is 36 for each and total 108 for upper, middle, and lower. The first movement of spreading both hands is said to represent a large bird spreading its wings and threatening the surroundings. Characteristic of the technique are the using both hands techniques (Meotode). And there are many ways to use both hands, such as soft and hard power, high-speed technique, Hakkei-daho (KO with one blow), relax in an instant, and use strong and soft breathing methods to convey the Chi to the forehands and fingertips. According to Mr. Akio Kinjo, the reason why he came to call it Supa Rinpei is that when Chojun Miyagi traveled to Foochow (福州) for Kenpo research, he found that there was a similar Kata of "壱百零八手" (Soparinpai in Foochow dialect), and it is said that it may have been newly named "Suparinpei" with an Okinawan accent.
⑬ 白鶴(ハッカク) Hakkaku
Eishun Hakkakuken, one of the main schools of the Chinese Kung-fu, has many techniques that mainly use Shuto, Nukite, and Shotei, and there are few Akken (fist). This Kata, which was brought to Okinawa, It may have become Okinawa-style from Eishunken-Kata. Hakkaku was handed down to 2nd Soke from Juei Tamashiro, a high-rank disciple of Seko Higa in Okinawa after the war to Senbukai.
⑭ 三戦(サンチン) Sanchin
Sanchin is the basic training Kata that Kanryo Higaonna brought from China. In the early days, pushed swiftly it with Nukite and pull the elbow and replace the palm., and didn't make a breathing sound. Later, changed the hand to a fist, and then to move the hands slowly. After that, Chojun Miyagi changed to the current powerful breathing method. The purpose of training is to learn how to stand, posture, way of gait, breathing, strength and transmission of power, rigid body and concentration of Chi, training of the trunk, and basic defense form. It is difficult to master by yourself, so you need to learn the correct technique from a good master. Sanchin is Go (rigid, strong) breathing methods, and when breathe in, the knees (legs) are spirally stretched out, and then raise the perineum (raise the pelvis), and takes in air (Chi, energy) to the limit with continuous with abdominal, chest, and shoulder breathing. At that time, be conscious of concentrating Chi (energy) in tanda without raising the shoulders. When breath out, lower the pelvis and transfer the Chi (power, energy) from the back of the waist to the back of the chest, then drop the shoulder blades to transmit the Chi to the upper arm, elbow, forearm, and fist. Finally, stretch the inside of the arm and pull up the pelvis, tighten Tanda strongly with strong breath, and momentarily tighten the whole body. Breathing is slow, uninterrupted, and finally breath out strongly fitting the movement.
⑮ 転掌(テンショー) Tensho
Chojun Miyagi researched the Rokkishu (generic term for six hand techniques) illustrated in the secret book "Bubishi" of Hakutsuruken, which is handed down in Goju-ryu, and created Tensho. Until the early Showa Era, it was called Rokkishu, but later it came to be called "Tensho" because of the characteristics of twisting the wrist and rotating the palm and forearm. Secret techniques of Tensho is hidden in the place where the body is softly tightened by the soft breathing method and the forearm, elbow, wrist, palm and fingertips are slowly changed from rigid (strong) to soft, as opposed to the breathing method of Sanchin. Way of using the soft and taut (stretched) of the elbows, forearm and wrists is a characteristic of Senbukai. Breathe in and out are performed in the same way as in Sanchin, but the internal tightening of the body is about 70 to 80% of Sanchin, and concentrated the Chi (energy) on the Kote (forearms) and wrists / fingertips. And learn to way of transmit of the extensor power, and the control. The technique of avoiding the collision of power and not causing the opponent to react with power is hidden in Tensho. As with Sanchin, it is difficult to master by yourself, so you need to learn the correct technique from a good master.